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Turnkey Cabins in North Georgia

It goes without saying that cabins are a big deal in North Georgia. Thousands of people flock to Blue Ridge each year to enjoy a getaway vacation where the air is fresher, the people are nicer, and life moves just a little bit slower (we call it Blue Ridge time). After all, who needs the beach when you’ve got the stunning beauty of the mountains only a short drive away?

And so, it comes as no surprise that many of the same folks who come to Blue Ridge for vacation fall in love with the area and also purchase property with the intention of entering their cabin with a cabin rental company, like Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals.

A good deal of work goes into getting a log home ready to enter cabin rental program; between updating appliances, adding amenities, performing much-needed maintenance and eventually marketing the property, it can take a year or more to get things situated and in proper order.

Because so much time and energy goes into this process, a growing number of prospective cabin owners are opting to purchase Turnkey Cabins that are already managed by Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals.

What is a Turnkey Cabin, you may be asking yourself, and why should I consider purchasing one? Keep reading to find out.

By definition, a turnkey cabin is move-in ready home. The almost instant usability associated with turnkey properties is attractive to investors, who are looking to earn income ASAP.

At Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals, Turnkey Cabins are professionally managed, fully-furnished vacation rentals available for purchase that are currently in the Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals program. Southern Comfort Turnkey Cabins give homeowners the benefit of a ready-made income stream by leveraging guest bookings already in place.

1. Stability and Peace of Mind – The real estate market can be unpredictable and maintenance can be plentiful. Turnkey Cabin owners have the opportunity to capitalize on already-existing bookings, and because Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals utilizes on-hand professional technicians, repairs and other similar issues are taken care of for you, with detailed online maintenance reports.

2. Saved Time – Your time is precious, especially if you’re a busy professional. With Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals Turnkey Cabins, we do the “heavy lifting” for you, so that you can focus your time on your family, your business and other important aspects of life.

3. Qualified Guests – Another headache associated with renting your own cabin can be screening your guests. Finding your beautiful cabin rental in disarray after a guest stay is a horrible feeling that might leave you questioning your decision. At Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals, you can rest assured that your guests are screened, and required to sign a detailed Guest Rental Agreement and Check-In form before they are able to rent your property.

4. Generate Income Faster – Because Turnkey Cabins are fully-furnished and established in the Blue Ridge market, the opportunity to gain revenue quicker than traditional routes is very real.

5. Avoid Buyer’s Remorse – A lot of emotion goes into buying a new home or rental property. If you find that your rental property isn’t performing like you think it should, you may experience buyer’s remorse, or worse, lose financial stability. With Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals Turnkey Cabins, you can take the guesswork out of the equation, and rest assured that SoCo Cabins has your best interests in mind.

If you’ve put some thought into purchasing a Turnkey Cabin with Southern Comfort Cabin Rentals, we’d love to hear from you! Give us a call at 855.505.4377 at your leisure, and ask to speak with a member of our Leadership Team. We would be happy to help answer any questions that you might have about the Turnkey Cabins we have for sale, and give you the rundown on our property management program and how it works.

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