Kick off your vacation season at the Blue Ridge Arts in the Park Festival!
When I attended the Blue Ridge Writer's Conference in April, my favorite part was when the Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association

Director stood up and said something to the effect of "our plan for Blue Ridge is for it to be an art town." This is why I love Blue Ridge and it's people. They are shamelessly promoting art, creativity, and the freedom to come to Blue Ridge and be who you are. I believe by now I have made it apparent that I love Blue Ridge, Georgia. It is my home away from home. My own personal getaway and creative outlet. When I go there, I feel free to let my freak flag fly. My creative juices start flowing, and I am overcome by it's beauty and magic. Ideas and inspiration bubble up from my core and explode in showers of color and light. Blue Ridge is a mere 90 minutes from Atlanta, yet I feel as if I'm in another world as soon as I turn down Main Street. This is why I'm so looking forward to attending the 35th Annual Blue Ridge Arts in the Park Festival this weekend.
From what I understand, there are over 200 juried (that means judged by people who matter) arts, crafts, and food booths (I'm sorry, did someone say food? Lots of food? Where do I sign up?!). Not to mention live music, train rides, activities for the kids, and various other enticing attractions for us artsy types. I'm sure even non-artsy types will love it! The nucleus of this artistic supernova is at Downtown City Park, though I hear it oozes out into downtown Blue Ridge, with some of the live music acts performing directly in front of the Arts Center, housed in the historic Fannin County Courthouse. Admission is 5 bucks, and kids get in for free. The festivities begin at 10am, and go until 5pm. Arts in the Park has been going strong for 35 years, is attended by over 15,000 people, and is ranked one of the Top 20 Events by the Southeastern Tourism Society. But y'know, no big deal...
Not to mention the time I will get to spend roaming around Main Street and lazily perusing it's many art galleries, furniture stores, fabulous boutiques, and fudge shops. So much fudge, so little time.
I am beside myself excited to be there this weekend. What better location for a festival dedicated to the creative genius of so many talented people than the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains? What better town, than a self-proclaimed arts town to host it? I believe that a convergence of creativity, love of life and beauty, and pure spirit the likes of which will be at this festival is healing for the Earth and her people. The Earth and her people could use a little bit of healing right now. People enjoying each other, and expressing themselves and their passion for life and art is always so healing and uplifting for me. So, my dear friends, if you're feeling spontaneous, and would like some inspiration, fresh air, and passion in your life this weekend, please join me in Blue Ridge. It's sure to be a memorable weekend.
Find additional information on Festivals in the north Georgia Mountains