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Did You Know? #BookDirect

Today is #BookDirect day.  The purpose of this worldwide campaign is to bring awareness to third party reservations fees compared to booking direct.  This covers hotels, B&B's, vacation rental homes and everything in between that you can reserve using an intermediary site.   Our goal is to educate our guests on the benefits and savings of booking direct.

As you can see in the image above, the mark ups can be as high as 19%. By booking direct, you save money.  Those dollars can be better put to you!  Treat your partner to a fancy meal, do an extra adventure with the family, or splurge on a bunch of new books to read on vacation.  Or put the money to your next trip!  You deserve it.

We understand that being able to book from one of these external sites may be a matter of time saving convenience.  And that's okay.  It's important to us to share the knowledge so that you are informed for your next vacation booking process.


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