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5 Tips For Backpacking And Hiking With Your Dog

Beautiful North Georgia weather means outdoor adventures and recreation for people and pets alike. Many dog owners find it rewarding to bring their furry friend along while exploring and enjoying time in the mountains. Our Blue Ridge mountain rentals offer some of the nation's top hiking and backpacking trails for both man and his best friend. This time is important for both humans and canines, as it can be rewarding and can help dogs burn off extra energy and exercise their minds as well. When hiking and taking part in other mountain activities with your dog, be sure to plan for his safety and care as well. These 5 tips for backpacking and hiking with your dog will help you prepare for a fun journey.

1. Research Your Hike
Just as you have your physical limitations when it comes to hiking, your dog does too. Be sure to research the trails you will be taking with your dog at your side. Ask others who have been on the trail and look at the maps. Err on the side of caution and be sure that the trail you plan on taking is suitable and safe for Fido.

2. Take a Rest for Two
Prior to your journey, make sure you and your dog are well rested. Skip your morning fetch and run routine and take it easy. This will help ensure that both you and your dog are physically prepared for some possibly strenuous hikes in nature.

3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
Just like you think ahead and bring enough water along for you, do the same for your dog. Make sure there is enough clean drinking water for you both, as well as a way for your dog to comfortably drink it; be it a bowl or a special device to attach to a water bottle to make a trough for your dog's drinking convenience.

4. Proper ID
Your dog should be prepared for the hike by wearing a collar with appropriate identification on it. It is also wise to microchip your dog. No matter how obedient your dog is or how familiar you may be with the trail, always make sure your dog has identification so that you are likely to get him back should you get separated.

5. Take Breaks
Plan breaks into your scheduled hiking route. Your dog may be enjoying himself so much that he may not know when to stop or if he even needs to stop. Taking a few minutes of time out every 15-30 minutes on a hike is good for both you and for him. This will help you both to enjoy your time more and be sure that you have the energy to get yourselves back to where you started.

Taking your dog with you on hikes or other outdoor activities from cabin rentals in Blue Ridge  in the north Georgia Mountains does not have to be complicated. By following these simple steps, you can ensure a safe and pleasurable experience for both you and Fido.

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